
“The ‘Mighty’ Boosh is just amazing – he has fitted so well into our bonkers household,

after 1 week we couldn’t remember what it was like before he arrived. He is so friendly and loving and has even tried to make friends with magic the psycho cat although magic is reserving the right to make a final judgement just yet and is observing  from various vantage points!!.His only little accident came a when we ordered a celebration curry after the 4 hour journey back from South Wales – a moments lapse of concentration and the dinner was very quickly ‘in the dog’ then equally quickly ‘out of the dog’ !! Really not his fault but I’m not sure he’ll be having chicken tikka dhansak again..!!He is brilliant with Hope and all her school friends and loves the attention he gets from just about everybody who all comment on what a fantastic dog he is…

With all the snow and ice he has spent his first week running round the local parks – and the really nice thing is that having decided to try him off the lead quite  early, he always comes back.  He is an incredibly powerful boy and just about resists the temptation to take us  all on an involuntary cross country sledging expeditions. He loves our local parks and further afield the national forest.

We love him very much and just can’t imagine life without him!!”


from Boosh’s family