
“We adopted Buddy (previously Scrappy) following a trip to Lizzie’s Barn to meet 3 different dogs who were all described as being good with children. Those in the know were obviously confident that Buddy was the right dog for us as he was waiting for us to arrive and greeted us like his long lost family. Within a matter of seconds  Buddy’s mind was made up and he parked himself between the children waiting at the  gate to leave with us! He handled the 4 hour drive home brilliantly and before we knew it he had taken up permanent residence on the sofa despite having a perfectly good crate available!At  first we had a couple of issue regarding sleeping arrangements at night. Buddy decided that the sofa wasn’t quite good enough once he located the double bed but sadly I didn’t find sleeping with a dog on my head quite as comfy as he did! So it was reassuring to be able to ring Mick and Fiona for advice.Budy has fitted into our family perfectly and already it’s like we’ve always had him. He loves clicker training and is doing really well at puppy classes (despite the average age of the rest of the dogs being about 14 weeks!) He loves his walks, particularly the long early morning ones.

Thank you Lizzie’s Barn for helping us find the perfect family dog he is everything we were hoping for and more.” where he gets a chance to show off how fast  and how much energy he has. The relationship he has so quickly built with our children especially has been fantastic to watch, he is playful and so much fun yet gentle and careful. We all love him to bits.

From Scrappy’s Dad