Day 1

10177957_10151961060987680_805766737355683542_nToday has been a.good start. I very met some lovely people, and fabulous dogs. I really hadn’t realised just hoe long all.those conversations would take.

I learnt a lessen this morning, the hard way!

I shall call it ‘hiking rule no 1’

sydIf you trip over the dog when he suddenly stops right in front of you, whilst wearing a full rucksack, you will fall over hard & fast & there is nothing you can do!

I’m nursing a hole, and my knee, & a very sore hip. So I won’t be doing that again.

I have found a little secluded nook, to.put the tent in, aa little closer to a road than I would like, but it’s hidden & nicely sheltered.

Syd has had a lovely day & is now fast asleep beside me in the tent.
He has lead most of the day so.done many more than the 16 miles I’ve done. He is being quietly protective too which is nice.
Here he is, outside our first camp, waiting to go to bed.